Sunday, November 29, 2015

天国の礎は平和な家庭 「家和して万事なる」Anything can be accomplished when there is harmony in the home.

Image result for 家和して万事成る


         ”平和を愛する世界人として” より

There is a saying, "Anything can be accomplished when there is harmony in the home." When there is peace in the family, everything goes well. The peaceful family is the building block of the Kingdom of Heaven. The family operates in the power of love. If we love the universe as we love our families, then there is nothing to top us from going anywhere we want. God exists in the center of love. As the Parent of the entire universe. That is why the love in the family needs to link directly to God. When the family is completed in love, the universe will be completed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

天国の礎は平和な家庭  The Peaceful Family is the Building Block of Heaven

Image result for 家無料素材


              ”平和を愛する世界人として” より

The parents represent the present and the children the future. The grandparents represent the past. So it is only when the grandparents,parents, and children live together that the children can inherit all the fortune of the past and present. To love and respect your grand father is to inherit the history of the past and to learn from the world of the past.The children learn precious wisdom from their parents on how to live in their present, while the parents prepare for the future by loving their children.