たった一つの命だから 骨肉腫で右腕を切断した14歳の女子中学生が、その年末初めて左手で書いた2006年の年賀状にはただ一言そう記されていた。 その年賀状を受け取った詩人は考えた。 『だから』 のあとに続く言葉はなんだろうか? それを問いかけるプロジェクトにさまざまな境遇の人々が呼応した。 いじめを受けている中学生.. 息子を自殺でなくした母親。 寄せられた言葉は、各地の朗読会やメディアを通じてしられるようになった。 その間にも、少女の腫瘍は肺に移転し「余命一年を」宣告されていた。病床で『たった一つの命だから』この言葉を聴いて、自殺を思いとどまった女子高校生の 話を両親から聞かされた少女は、自分の言葉が人の役に立ったことを喜んだ。 2008年16年の生涯を終えた少女の、「命を大切にしよう」という 願いを込めてこの活動は続けられていく。 『たった一つの命だから」という言葉の後にあなたなら、どんな言葉をつなげますか?
There was a young girl living in Japan. At the time she was 14 years old. A middle school student. She had osteosarcoma. A cancerous bone disease. Her right arm was amputated. Despite this fact, she wrote New Year cards for the coming of 2006. With her left arm, she wrote: “One Life to Live Therefore…” (The following words had to be filled in by the recipient.)
One woman was greatly moved by the girl’s card. The woman decided to call up some friends, enlightened them about these words, and together they inspired others. This single sentence “One Life to Live …” was the start of a grand project, Asking Others: “How Will You Continue the Sentence?” There have been numerous lives affected by this single sentence. Peoples’ stories have spread through word of mouth, stories being submitted online, media, reading groups and so on. The young girl’s osteosarcoma had spread to her lungs. The doctor told her parents that she had a life expectancy of 1 year. She had heard that a high school girl decided NOT to commit suicide after hearing about “One Life to Live” Likewise, some bullied children were inspired by these words. Also a mother who had lost her son to suicide heard about “One Life to Live” and it inspired her. Stories like these reached the ears of the, then, 16 year old. When she departed from this world in 2008 she was comforted by the fact that she left something behind that could help others.
Let’s Cherish Life.
We are working and wishing that this project continues.
One Life to Live Therefore… what will YOU put next?