Friday, August 10, 2018

人を善にする宗教の力 「世界経典」  World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts,

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In 1991, I brought together forty religious scholars, instructing them to compare the teachings that appear in the sacred texts of Christianity, Islam Buddhism, and other major world religions. The book that resulted from their efforts was World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, published in 1991. What they found was that the sacred texts of religions convey the same or similar teachings more than seventy percent of the time. The remaining thirty percent are teachings that represent unique points of each religion. This means that most of the teachings of the major world religions are same at their core.The same is true of religious practice. On the surface, some believers wear turbans, some wear prayer beads around their necks, others wear a cross, but they all seek the fundamental truth of the universe, and try to understand the will of the Divine One.
People often become friends even if all they have in common is the same particular hobby. When two strangers meet and discover they have the same hometown, they can immediately communicate as if they had known each other for decades So it is truly tragic that religions, which share the same teachings more than seventy percent of the time, still struggle to understand each other and communicate happily. They could talk about the things they have in common and talk each other by the hand. Instead, they emphasize their differences and criticize one another.
Our experience when compiling world Scripture leads us to believe that it is not the religions of the world that are in error but the ways the faiths are taught. Bad teaching of faith brings prejudice, and prejudice leads to conflict.