Friday, May 31, 2013

私が壊れれば宇宙が壊れる If you break down, the universe will break down"


ですから、見た目に良いものばかりを求めて、その道ばかりを行きたくなったら、すぐに、「こいつ!」 と怒鳴って防がなければなりません。

若者はひっきりなしに異性に引かれるのではありませんか?そういうときでも、「こいつ」 といって自分を止めなければなりません。




”平和を愛する世界人として” より

Just because something is pleasing to the eye doesn't mean it is good for the heart. There are many things that look good, but an examination of their inner aspect shows them to evil.
"if you catch yourself seeking after only things pleasing to the eye and try following that path, you must immediately stop yourself and say, " You rascal!" Also, if you feel the desire to eat only things pleasing to the mouth, you must scold your body, saying "You rascal', and block yourself. Your young people are attracted to the opposite sex, aren't you? In this case, too, you must make a strong stand against such urges. 
If a person cannot control himself, he cannot do anything in the world. Consider that if you break down, the universe will break down"
" before seeking to rule the universe, first your ability to rule yourself".

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